This page will guide you through the enrollment process at blossoms! We look forward to learning more about you!
These are copies of our handbooks that we are required to ensure you’ve been given a copy of. Please read through it before your child starts in our care and feel free to ask questions about anything that is unclear. We will have a document for you to sign saying you’ve read and understood the policies on your child’s first day. A printed copy is available upon request. Click on any of the links to be taken to the applicable policy
Our Enrollment form will be E-mailed to you by our office pre-filled with your registration information!
Lastly, you will need to fill out an immunization form, and a few notes regarding this:
- As a licensed childcare provider, we are required by the state to have current immunization records on every child enrolled. You will need to have one of the following:
- A current copy of your child’s immunizations from their doctors office.
- If you do not have a current copy, follow this link to visit the Department of Health website to download the records. IMMUNIZATION RECORDS
— - If it is your choice not to immunize, we are required to have a record of that as well and can provide you with the Personal/Religious Exemption form which will satisfy this requirement. As of July 28, 2019, a new state law removes the personal and philosophical option to exempt children from the MMR vaccine required for school and child care attendance. Medical and religious exemptions are not affected by this new law. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION
- For any known health conditions, an individual care plan from your child’s health care provider is required for any food allergies or special dietary requirements due to a health condition. Please follow this link to fill out the form. INDIVIDUAL CARE PLAN
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- For any medications, a child is required to take while in child care – please fill out this form (Medications that do not require this form: Over-the-counter diaper ointment, Sunscreen, Lotion, Lip Balm, Hand Sanitizer, and Fluoride Toothpaste). CHILD CARE MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION FORM
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- By default, we supply food based on specific USDA nutritional guidelines. If you would like to opt-out and supply your own meals, you need to sign an opt-out form as well as receive a copy of nutritional guidelines: BLOSSOMS OPT-OUT FORM AND USDA GUIDELINES